VFit And In Tone Specialist

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center
Mental Health & OB/GYNs located in Beverly Hills, CA
Are you looking for a way to improve your vaginal health from the comfort and privacy of home? Rodeo Drive Women's Health in Beverly Hills, California, offers vFit™, vFit PLUS, and InToneⓇ — innovative systems that give you the ability to take control of your sexual health and incontinence issues. If you’re ready to explore all that these systems have to offer, schedule a visit today. Online scheduling makes it easy to find a time that fits your busy schedule, or you’re always welcome to call or stop by to check appointment availability.
vFit and In Tone Q & A
What are vFit and vFit PLUS?
Both the vFit™ and vFit PLUS systems use patented technology to improve vaginal function. The systems deliver 662nm wavelength light therapy using UV-free LED lights. The technology behind this revolutionary at-home treatment was developed by NASA in the 1960s.
The vFit and vFit PLUS systems deliver similar effects as ThermiVaⓇ, but the home-based treatments require many more sessions to achieve similar results.
How do vFit and vFit PLUS work?
Both systems create gentle heat that enhances blood flow in your vaginal tissues. Increased blood flow means more oxygen, nutrients, and proteins arrive, supporting healing, boosting collagen production, and contracting targeted tissues.
Sonic vibration settings in multiple patterns help tighten your pelvic floor muscles. The LED lights stimulate circulation, reduce pain, and decrease inflammation. According to 90% of women who’ve experienced vFit and vFit PLUS, treatments deliver improvements in stress urinary incontinence, lubrication, vaginal sensation, vaginal laxity, and ability to achieve orgasm.
How often do I need to use vFit or vFit PLUS to see results?
In one study, participants used their device for 10 minutes every other day for a period of 10 days. Most noticed improvements in intimate satisfaction and increased confidence.
You can select your LED and sonic settings, as well as your treatment time. Work on increasing the power levels and extending treatment time until you reach 12-minute sessions.
What are the differences between vFit and vFitPLUS?
Both systems are USB-rechargeable, with four levels of light mode and multiple levels of sonic technology modes. They’re made of medical-grade materials and have indicator lights to let you know when they’re activated.
Both use LED power, but vFit PLUS delivers a more highly powered treatment session. It also takes less time to achieve noticeable results, as well as professional support if you have questions or concerns. Both can be used on your own, in the privacy of your home. Session lengths range from 6-12 minutes and are painless. In fact, they can be incredibly enjoyable.
While both systems are FDA-approved, vFit PLUS is only available from a medical professional, while vFit can be purchased online.
What is InTone?
InToneⓇ is an FDA-cleared device that treats stress and urge urinary incontinence. The system is only available through a physician but allows you to complete therapy from the comfort of your own home.
The InTone system uses a comfortable inflatable vaginal probe to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and retrain the communication patterns between your muscles and brain. The handheld control wand tells you how to use InTone and how to time your sessions, and collects data that your physician can access during your next visit.
Sessions usually last around 12 minutes and are performed six days a week. Once your incontinence issues have improved in 10-14 weeks, you can scale back to a maintenance schedule of just once or twice a week.
If you’d like to learn more about how these systems can improve urinary incontinence health, schedule a visit at Rodeo Drive Women’s Health today, online or by phone.
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